Babies are god’s gift but sometimes in life we are unable to keep this gift maybe due to several personal reasons. In these times, we look for safe and simple home based methods to get rid of these unwanted children.
Cinnamon water can be used to get rid of unwanted pregnancy032/ gifts very safely. Cinnamon is believed to have compounds that trigger uterine contraction that causes labor like conditions which may lead to miscarriage in early pregnancy. This method again should be used during first nine-ten weeks of pregnancy or else may cause complications.
Ancient ladies use to take this compound as a birth control ingredient. They use to take it to induce their delayed periods. Cinnamon is a safe and successful method for abortion however should be taken in small quantities. Large quantities of cinnamon can cause damage to liver and heavy heart rates which may cause harm to your heart. One should never take more than five grams of cinnamon in a day.
Small quantities of cinnamon can help you treat PCOS and infertility due to any kind of blockage.
To start your periods, you should take raw cinnamon. When cooked, it may lead to reduced components and would not be that effective. Many people take cinnamon supplements to help them get rid of unwanted pregnancy. These supplements do not have harsh taste and can be easily taken with a glass of warm water. Many a times if you surpass the recommended dosage it could cause allergic reactions or nervous numbness. In such cases one should consult with the doctor immediately to get the antidote. Antidote will help you reduce the adverse impact of extra dosage.
Taking cinnamon in small amounts is also helpful in easing menstrual cramps. It also helps regulate any hormonal imbalance. One can drink a cup of cinnamon tea safely on daily basis to keep her productive system functioning properly. Cinnamon also helps easing the labors without much pain. However, it should be taken with doctor’s consult. Or else cinnamon consumption could harm your child and his growth.
One can easily combine this with other home based methods to get more effective results. Specifically, you can combine it with a heavy dosage of vitamin C to induce required results as soon as possible. Vitamin C also helps loosening of cervix which helps in early miscarriage.
It is a very safe and successful natural method to get the abortion. You may easily get rid of your unwanted child when you follow this method. Only precaution to follow is to take small amounts of cinnamon or else it can cause other complexities like lever damage. It’s a god food for enhancing fertility in women. Daily intake of cinnamon helps to induce more fertility in women. When taken in safe dosage it helps get rid of complex infertility issues very easily. Just try to take it raw, although raw cinnamon tastes awful but it is full of health benefits and will help you get your desired results.

Matilda Shue a health blogger, but her words have the power to change your life. She is an avid reader and she loves nothing more than curling up with a good book. She always strives for perfection in everything she does, so it’s no surprise that she plans on becoming the next JK Rowling one day!